Don’t Make These 4 Common Mistakes After the Job Interview

You applied for a job you know is perfect for you. You aced the interview and left feeling great. The hiring manager said he’d get back to you soon. But it’s been a few days and you haven’t heard a thing. What do you do? To start, avoid making these costly mistakes that could you impact your chances of landing a second interview – or the job:

Mistake #1: Stopping your job search.

Just because one interview went well doesn’t mean you should call off the rest of your search and wait in hopeful anticipation for an offer. It’s ok to be optimistic. But you need to be practical too. That means continuing with your search – and applying and interviewing for other jobs – no matter how enthusiastic you are about a particular position. You don’t want to miss out on another potentially terrific opportunity just because you stopped looking. Only quit your job search once you have an offer you plan to accept.

Mistake #2: Following up with the hiring manager before the deadline.

If a hiring manager said they’d get back to you in a week and it’s only been three days, don’t check in. It’s stressful waiting to hear, but you don’t want to undermine the positive impression that you made by coming off as desperate. Even if the deadline has passed and you still haven’t heard anything, it’s not ok to email or call the hiring manager repeatedly. Once is enough. The reality is that for most companies, the hiring process can take longer than anticipated. So sit tight and keep busy with your job search.

Mistake #3: Tell the hiring manager you have another job offer, though you don’t.

You want a decision made so you can accept or move on. How can you make the process move faster? You can’t – even if you call the hiring manager and bluff by saying you have another offer. This can end up ugly for you. Most hiring managers will tell you there’s nothing they can do to speed up the hiring process on their end, so they’ll remove you from consideration. That said, if you truly do have another job offer, then you should reach out to the hiring manager to communicate your time restraints.

Mistake #4: Becoming inaccessible.

Don’t put your life on hold while you’re waiting to hear back about a job. But don’t become totally inaccessible either. If you have a vacation planned, or will be out of town for a while, still check your email and voicemail once a day. If a hiring manager can’t get a hold of you, they’ll assume you’re no longer interested in the job.

Waiting to hear about a job you really want can be agonizing. But don’t obsess over the situation. Instead, stay busy and optimistic and know that if you truly are the best fit, then you’ll likely receive an offer.

Do you need more help finding a new job in Houston? Call Murray Resources. As one of the leading recruiting agencies in Houston, we can assist you with the entire job search process – from crafting a strong resume to preparing for interviews – all so you can find opportunities that are a great fit for your skills and background.

Ready to get started? Contact us today.