Take Your Cover Letter From Dull to Delightful

Cover letters. Ugh! As one of the leading recruiting agencies in Houston, Murray Resources knows that nobody really likes to write them. But the fact of the matter is your cover could be your ticket into the interview process. So don’t treat it as an afterthought to your resume. Instead, approach your cover letter as if it will make the difference between getting the job – and getting rejected.

To help you take your cover letter from dull to delightful, here are few tips to keep in mind:

Avoid starting your cover letter with “Dear Sir or Madam.”

This automatically sends the message that your letter is generic. Instead, do all you can to find out the name of the person you’re sending your resume to, whether it’s an HR specialist or a department manager.

So, for instance, if the job posting asks for resumes to be sent to “HR Director, XYZ Company,” use the company’s website or social media sites like LinkedIn to find out just who that person is. Or you can call the company to inquire about who holds a particular position.

Don’t make it all about you.

Sure, the hiring manager wants to know about your background to see if you’re a good fit for their needs. But when you focus your entire letter on what you’ve done in the past versus what you can do for the company should you get hired, you’re missing an opportunity to stand out to a hiring manager.

Instead, make a list of the key pains / challenges the hiring manager is facing and then include examples in your cover letter of how you can help them address those issues and what relevant experience you have doing so. That way, the letter becomes less about you and more about what you can do for them.

Don’t regurgitate your resume.

Your cover letter shouldn’t be a direct copy of all the information you include on your resume. Instead, it should have a little more personality. Share a story or unique insight, or write about a goal met and how achieving it has given you the knowledge to do the job you’re applying for. Your aim here is to hook the hiring manager, so they want to pick up the phone and call you for an interview.

If you’re stuck in the writing process, one way to get your creative juices flowing is to “talk out” what you want to say. Pretend you’re speaking directly with the hiring manager. What do you want them to know about you? Thinking out loud is a great launching pad for getting your cover letter written.

And if you’d like some professional help with your cover letter and resume, let Murray Resources know. As one of the leading recruiting agencies in Houston, we can assist you with the entire job search process – from crafting a strong resume to preparing for interviews to finding job opportunities that are a great fit for your skills and background.

Ready to get started? Contact us today.