Why You Need Strong LinkedIn Recommendations – and How to Get Them

By now, you probably know that most recruiters and hiring managers are going to look at your LinkedIn profile when assessing you. So, of course, you want to put your best foot forward there. One way to do that is through recommendations from previous clients, bosses and colleagues.

But, as one of the leading Houston, TX staffing agencies, Murray Resources knows that just any old recommendations won’t do. Hiring managers want to see ones that go into specifics as to why your past boss loved working with you; how you helped a customer save money and ramp up productivity; and how your problem-solving and creative thinking abilities were a huge benefit to a project you and a colleague worked on.

So when asking for a recommendation via LinkedIn, consider the following:

Recommendations don’t need to be long.

It used to be that recommendation letters were full page letters. Today, though, a substantial LinkedIn recommendation can consist of just a couple of paragraphs – as long as there is specific detail. You don’t want vague statements or fluff. So when asking someone for a recommendation, remind them that it’s not the quantity of what they write, but they quality.

Recommendations do need to be specific.

If you worked with a colleague on a specific project that produced terrific results, remind them of it. Ask them flat out if they would mind discussing that “project” in the recommendation they write for you.

For instance, “Our company was working on ABC initiative and we almost missed the deadline. But Mike stepped in and was able to take on some of the additional work so we could complete the project on time. Thanks to his willingness to go the extra mile, we got the job done on time…and the client was thrilled.”

By giving them a firm starting point, it will help them overcome any writer’s block. It will make the process a lot easier for them, plus you’ll get a more effective recommendation in the process.

If there wasn’t a specific project you want someone to focus on, then ask them to write about certain personality traits. For instance, if you’re looking for a leadership level position, ask them to discuss your leadership abilities, and interpersonal and organizational skills.

LinkedIn is a great place for hiring managers and recruiters to start when they are assessing candidates for a position. By having strong recommendations, you’ll ensure you are putting your best foot forward, standing out from the competition, and making a great first impression.

If you need more help with your job search, call Murray Resources. As one of the leading Houston, TX staffing agencies, we take your career success personally. Not only will we work one-on-one with you to learn about your background and personality, but we can also connect you with exciting and rewarding opportunities at some of the top employers in the area!

Contact us today to learn more.